Blow the whistle
Whistleblowers play a fundamental role in raising awareness because they can usually access information inaccessible to most People. If People had these pieces of information, they usually would not have acted or continue to act as they did/do.
Project Veritas’ Linktr.ee: https://linktr.ee/project_veritas. I invite you to watch this video: https://www.projectveritas.com/news/veritas-2023-year-in-review
Get your gear:
Where can i send my content?
To raise awareness and protect People, you can upload information here: https://securewhistleblower.com.
You can send tips to VeritasTips(at)protonmail.com
Here are advice to protect your privacy:
Do not use your personal email address
Do not use your personal computer or phone when doing so.
Use a public computer (internet cafe, for instance).
Do not use your professional computer or phone when doing so.
Do not have any video or sound recording device around you when you do so.
Be careful about CCTV, location tracking services, and audio recording devices.
You likely know about very well-known whistleblowers. There is an assumption that they are part of the controlled opposition. From a strategy perspective, it is a valid hypothesis. The goal could be to get you into a mindset where you think that things will change because of what the whistleblower has exposed. Once again, the only person you can fully rely on is yourself.