Don’t let the system feed on you
You have to ask yourself what action do you do on a daily basis that could feed the leeches?
It could be that a part of what you do actually contribute to the Great Reset without you even realizing it. Can you be aware of these actions and try to change them?
What do I contribute to?
The place where you work. What is the value your company creates for People? Don’t simply look at your daily tasks inside the company but what that company contributes to within society. Let’s ask ourselves a few questions about this company:
Do you think the company you work for is Empowering People? If yes, how does it do it?
Is the company you work for contributing to making People happy? If yes, how? What are the signs you observe that allow you to say so?
The things you consume. Let’s ask ourselves a few questions about it:
Where do I procure my things? Do I rather go to chain stores or local stores?
Do I use mainstream media and social media a lot?
How much information do I provide to social media regarding myself (what I do, what I own, where I go, …)?
How do you fund yourself?
Did you borrow money from the system?
The taxes you pay
Where do you pay taxes and how are these taxes used?
How your actions would contribute to your enslavement?
Before getting started on this paragraph it’s best that you understand what the Great Reset is if you aren’t clear about what it is. You can read this page. No shame in not knowing what the Great Reset is, many highly educated People have no clue what it is.
The Great Reset is a complex plan but let’s imagine for a second that it is a very large city and you look at it from very high in the sky. What would you see?
Centralization of power (wealth, decision-making)
Standardization to support control (patents, standards)
Control (official narrative, no debate, technological tracking/spying, data collection)
Population reduction (official narrative, vaccination, mistreatment)
This Great Reset is a plan enforced by People, companies, and organizations. Here are the questions you can ask yourself:
Am I working for a company that is enforcing or supporting the Great Reset?
Is the CEO or top management of my company on the board of trustees of the World Economic Forum (WEF)?
If you work for Axa, Nestle, Blackrock, Bain&Company, Accenture, Reliance, or Sberbank, … the answer is yes. If your CEO is on the board of Trustees of the WEF there is a specific reason. This reason is that what your company does helps to progress the interest of the WEF, one way or another.
Is the company I work for contributing to the centralization of power and/or control?
Your company supports the official narrative (centralization of power) and does not allow debate (control).
Entertainment companies: Disney, Netflix, CNN, MSNBC, NBC Universal, ABC, CBS, FOX Corp,
Social media companies: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn (Microsoft),
Your company engages in surveillance of what you do (standardization to support control)
Social media companies: Facebook, Twitter
Technology companies: Microsoft, Google
Your company has filled patent(s) that provide solutions that standardize the control of People
Pharmaceutical companies
Technology companies
Who is/are the major shareholders of the company I work for?
If the major shareholders are in the below list, it is very likely that your top management has no choice but to follow the Great Reset initiative:
Buying from companies who are enforcing the Great Reset
Technology companies: Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Salesforce
Consulting companies: Accenture, Bain&Company
Insurance companies: Axa
Food industry companies: Nestle
Buying from a company that supports standardization and centralization of power
Large food chains: Carrefour, Wallmart
Large food manufacturers: Nestle
Sell everything companies: Amazon, Alibaba
I am working for a company enforcing/supporting the Great Reset. What can I do?
This is a very legitimate question. Millions of People working for governments, police forces or global companies ask themselves this question right now and more and more People will.
See the answer as two buckets. In one bucket you find the benefits of working for this company and in the other bucket you find the cost of doing so. You can also call “benefit”, advantage and call “cost”, disadvantage, if this is easier for you. The thing is that most of the time we do not look at benefits and costs in a rational and objective manner.
Let’s have a look at what we see in these two buckets.
Perceived benefits:
My salary
The prestige of the name of the company
My moral conscience (what I am contributing to)
What if the company get caught?
The fear of change. The fear of the unknown. These are common fears. As we constantly help individuals with change please allow us to give you a few tips:"
We often inflate our fear of the unknown. If you look at it from a rational perspective, you will most of the time realize that there is actually barely any danger.
At the end of the day, you need to be responsible for yourself. Are you ok with what you do? Is your conscience ok with what you contribute to?
Stop paying taxes?
Part of your taxes feed their illegal activities. It’s time to seriously consider where your value is going.