Healing (repair) autonomy
How did People heal themselves before modern medicine existed?
They knew how to leverage resources available such as sunlight, plants, and energy. All these things that we have been disconnected from and we are now told that they are dangerous for us.
It’s unfortunate but modern medicine, led by gigantic pharmaceutical companies, does not seek your healthiness. What? Yes. Remember, from Peoplelyzer’s business section, the customer is the reason why you are in business. If there is no customer there is no money to be made. And so if there is no sick customer there is no one to treat meaning there is no need for the business to exist.
That may sound trivial but if you do not realize this you cannot understand why pharmaceutical companies have an interest in you not being healthy. The longer you are kept under recurring treatments the more profitable you are for these companies and insurance companies. How many folks did i talk to who have taken medication for years? For years they spent hundreds of euros, if not thousands, on medication. Why would anyone managing these gigantic pharmaceutical companies stop this extremely juicy business? The one trying to stop this juicy business would get killed because it is so profitable.
And so it is no surprise that pharmaceutical corporations work hand in hand with food companies because what you put inside your body impacts your health and so if someone can trigger long-term issues inside your body that will require you to follow long-term treatments (diabetes is one example) then it’s perfect for large pharmaceutical companies.
If you think what i say is untrue you seriously need to start observing what is happening around you starting with what goes inside your body and the impact that has on it.
The below is for your information. These are not medical advice. I advise you to cross-check the information with other folks who did adopt these solutions.
Know how your body work
Very unlikely the system (school, parents, …) taught you how your body fundamentally works. Why? Because it’s not in the interest of those who run the system that you know your capabilities. If you knew what your body can do you would right away stop certain practices like eating three meals a day (not everyone does so but it is very common in developed societies).
Fundamentals about your body:
Your body has been built to operate on its own. Large pharmaceutical companies are so keen to let you believe that your body is suboptimal. The reasoning is insane. The body that you have has been evolving for millions of years. How can this product be suboptimal versus its current environment? It’s a bit like me telling an ant that she does not know how to socially live with the rest of the group. If i get you to believe that your body is suboptimal you are going to seek solutions to improve your body and if i am the one selling you these thousands of dollars solutions then i get rich. In a nutshell, there is a scam in place. The folks owning pharmaceutical companies put in place strategies that seek you to believe something that is not true because if you believe their lies they make more money. An insane amount of money. The worst is not that it works. The worst is that you very likely put inside your body something that it does not need meaning that potentially you damage your body. Would you try to add an eye behind your head to see backward? No, it’s stupid, right? So why would you inject a piece of virus inside your body or edit your DNA? “Because they told me it’s good for me”. Have you checked that it is good for you? Have you taken the time to observe how the success of the folks who ask you to do something is measured?
Where does your body feel good?
It’s critical to start noticing natural environments where you feel good. Is when you are in the water, sitting under a tree on a sunny day, sitting on a large rock by a river, standing under heavy rain, hiking in mountains. Know it because these are spaces that you need. That your body needs. And it means that the longer you are disconnected from these spaces the more likely for your body not to be in the right context for it to operate optimally.
Maybe you have experienced the following. You are at your desk at work and you feel unproductive. You feel tired and then you decide to take a break. You go into nature, a park for instance and you start breathing in and out. Deep breath. Quickly you start feeling better and your thinking becomes clearer. Why is that? Workplaces are an environment where your body does not feel “at home”.
The system includes a capability to repair
Our world is a very complex system. It has been built over billions of years and we don’t know what we are doing here and why we are here. Don’t you think that you, your body, would exist if there were not resources around you that support your life including your capability to repair your body if anything was to happen to it?
Why some animals (like the chameleon in the photo at the top) are able to regrow their limbs if some of them get removed either because they get hurt or because another animal attacks them? Whatever created how things operate has factored in a capability to repair that most of us barely know. The chameleon doesn’t receive any external help. Its body does the reparation by itself. What does that mean? It means that inside its body there are already all the tools needed for this reparation to happen. Some beings can regrow a part of themselves. How amazing is that?
Have you ever observed a dying plant? You do not give the plant any water and it looks dead. It’s literally a dry stick. Then you give it a go. Let’s add some water. A few days or weeks later you see some green. Do you perceive the capability that the system has to grow back, to repair itself, to heal? This capability is gigantic but some People keep this knowledge away from other People. The same principle over and over again: keep under constraints to prioritize your self-interest. The constraint on you is the lack of information. No wonder that mainstream media asks you not to do your own research.
Do you think that you, as part of the system, would not have this gigantic capability to heal? Why would you not have it?
But, if you start putting inside your body things created by other human beings, who seek to increase the size of their bank accounts, then you are potentially jeopardizing billions of years of work. Why would you do that? Why would you put your body at risk? Why would you trust more other folks than the thing that created you even if you do not know what created you in the first place?
What do they want me to perceive?
It took me some time to understand the programming i was under but once i understood it i could see straight through the lies.
Why do you think that in every TV series or movie where someone has cancer the person dies? You will answer me because if you have cancer you are very likely to die. Great, you remember well what you were told or what you have watched on TV.
Have you ever considered that this was not what is true? Have you ever considered that you thinking that cancer is really bad and you are very likely to die is actually good for the folks who sell you solutions to treat cancer?
There is a reason why movies and TV series from the largest movie production studios constantly repeat the same thing. That reason is that they need you to believe it. Because if you believe it, if this is what you think then you will behave in alignment with this belief. Feel free to re-read this a few times. It’s fundamental that you are aware of how the trick is working. Imagine you have never seen any movie or TV series where someone has cancer and dies. Would you think that People always die from cancer? Imagine i show you a TV series where People get a headache and die. After watching this for a year i can tell you that you will start to believe it. It’s all about repeating the message over and over and over again and adding emotions to it. That’s why scenes where folks have cancer in movies are so emotional (funerals, People crying,…). They play with your feelings and they are extremely good at it.
Your access to natural medecine is critical
The folks who own large pharmaceutical companies do not want you to be able to access natural treatments. If you can do this you do not depend on them and it means that they do not have leverage over you.
How do they prevent you from accessing natural treatment?
They put in place multiple regulations that put constraints on the People who run natural treatment businesses. If these businesses don’t abide by the regulation they get penalties or fees. In Canada for instance, through “Health Canada”, the government is going after natural health products and supplements.
Creating an adverse event reporting system for natural health products. The system likely gets abused with false declarations. It’s also surprising given that side effects of vaccinations were not properly reported.
They try to get you to believe that natural treatments are dangerous.
My body 101
Your body is an insanely advanced object. Here are the capabilities that you have:
You have devices to get information on your environment. Do you think you have ears only to ear sounds? Far from that. Your ear also helps your body to balance itself. If that system does not work then you are dizzy because you cannot balance. Your eyes enable you to see things around you. Your nose enables you to breathe air in and out but also to smell things. You can smell a fire from a distance or a freshly baked apple tart. Your tongue enables you to taste things. It alerts you if something is bitter or spicy. Your ear enables you to listen to things around you. Your skin enables you to get information on things around you. You can feel things like the wind, like the temperature. Do you realize the advanced censoring capability that you have? If you walk on a tiny spike your body will feel it and alert you. Your detection capability is amazing. On top of that these censors can all work at the same time. You can see a dog walking your way and at the same time feel the wind and at the same time smell the freshly baked apple tart on the table. And you do all this seamlessly meaning that you are not thinking about what you do.
You can store information that you received from your censors. Don’t ask me how this information is stored, i am no expert on this. You can remember faces, places, objects, smells, sensations.
Body issues: symptoms vs root cause
I like to use simple words. Why? Because we should use simple words. Simple words help People to understand. That’s why i am not talking about disease. I talk about body issues.
It’s fundamental to distinguish symptoms and root causes. Your eye is red. What is it? Root cause or symptom? Symptom. You cut yourself last Tuesday. Today your wound has some yellow inside. The yellow inside your wound is a symptom or a root cause? A symptom.
What do you think should be fixed? The symptom or the root cause?
The root cause.
Let me explain to you why because it may not be easy to understand. Imagine you have regular headaches. Let’s say 4 to 5 times a week. You go to the doctor and the doctor gives you a pill that contains paracetamol. You go back home and each time you have a headache you take one. It does help a bit but it doesn’t stop your headache from coming back. After a few weeks, you start to have enough of these recurring headaches. They impact your life. Many times you cannot even see your friends because you feel unwell. Shouldn’t you try with your doctor to find out what is the root cause of the headache? Wouldn’t you want to stop it once and for all?
If you start paying attention you will realize that doctors usually don’t fix the root cause. They give solutions to symptoms. Why? Simple. It’s easier and large pharmaceutical companies make more cash. How much cash does a large pharmaceutical company make if you need months of cancer treatment versus one single treatment of a few weeks that would get rid of your cancer? Fixing root causes is not profitable. On top of this, if People knew how to fix the root cause of their body issues they could bypass large pharmaceutical companies. In a nutshell, these companies would not exist.
If your body has an issue, look at the symptoms. What are the symptoms? Do you have pain somewhere? Can you see something? What can you observe? When does it hurt? All these observations are useful to understand the problem.
Root causes can be hard to find but the folks who understand how the body works can help. It is also often necessary to use technology to do analysis of your body such as blood work, live dark field blood analysis, and scanners.
When you go to a doctor to get help it is fundamental that this guy provides you with the root cause of the issue your body has. If he or she cannot do this, keep searching, especially if your issue is major and prevents you from living normally. If you read this and you are healthy try to help others around you. If you know someone who has an issue(s) with his/her body, ask if she/he has identified the root cause.
The pattern that i observe is that long-term treatment of symptoms often damages your body. That pays for your doctor’s Mercedes or Audi but it does not help you. Do you think this is fair?
My body has an issue (or many)
I think it’s important that we help those of us who have trouble with our body. We should do this for free. No one should have to pay to get help fixing their body. Think about it. How insane is it that some People cannot fix their bodies because an artificial constraint has been set up? I am talking about money. We should be ashamed of ourselves to act in this manner. It is definitely not okay to ask People for money to get access to solutions to fix their bodies. We should all be given the information required to be healthy. We should all be given access to information that supports life.
What are the main issues People have with their bodies?
Cardiovascular issues
Tumor (no matter the type)
Respiratory issues
Autoimmune issues
Brain issues
Product that can potentially help you
Chlorine dioxide solution (CDS)
Chlorine dioxide solution has been used to treat a number of body issues that are usually perceived as serious because the outcome is very often death if these issues are not fixed. Body issues fixed with chlorine dioxide solution include cancer, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).
In 1996, Jim Humble, a miner turned humanitarian, discovered that drops of sodium chlorite (also called “stabilized oxygen”) taken internally convert into chlorine dioxide that kills malaria parasites. His context was that he and his team were mining in Africa and part of the team encountered body issues. The body issue is called malaria. The root cause of malaria is a (unicellular protozoan) parasite named Plasmodium falciparum. This issue can be life-threatening if not treated. Jim was surprised that this solution could resolve body issues so easily compared to solutions usually provided by large pharmaceutical companies. He named the solution “Miracle Mineral Solution” (MMS). Sometimes it is also called “Master Mineral Solution”. Here we will simply call it Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS).
CDS has to be taken correctly and this is important. The way you put something inside your body impacts the effect that thing will have. Please, always remember this. If you take something in a certain manner you can get a positive impact but if you take the same thing in another way you can be impacted negatively or there may be no impact at all.
For accessing a large network i can tell you that CDS is used globally and especially in developing countries that are not under the hands of large pharmaceutical companies.
What about the articles online warning about the use of MMS or CDS?
Let’s imagine you sell a cancer treatment that costs USD 5,000. You have a large number of clients as there are more and more cancers in the population. Now, imagine that another guy finds out that there is actually a product that can also cure cancer but that treatment costs a few dozen USD. What would you do? Given that money is the unit of the scale of success, most folks would first ridicule him and if that isn’t enough, well, there are ways to get rid of him. The scenario i describe is common. What happened to ivermectin during the Covid-19 pandemic? It was ridiculed and branded as horse medicine by mainstream media.
When millions of USD are at stake what needs to be done is a no-brainer: get rid of the competition. Either through lies or through regulation (banning the other product). I would invite you to pay attention to who says what and how their success is measured.
Are you sure it's doing you good?
i listened to too many stories to believe that the destruction of your potential through drugs is a coincidence