Just say “NO”
“You need to wear a mask.”
“Your kid needs to wear a mask at school.”
“You need to get vaccinated.”
“You need to stay home.”
“You can’t sell your house because your house’s CO2 emission rating is bad.”
“You need to pay taxes because you use solar panels.”
“You need to follow what most People do.”
Saying “No” is often the simplest action you must do to stop what is being pushed on you. As more and more People say “No” and refuse to obey illegitimate orders, the scam will likely fall apart.
If you walk into a street, a street dog suddenly shows you its teeth. This dog doesn’t seem to like you. Imagine you say nothing. The dog now starts to bark at you. You continue to stay quiet. The dog continues barking at you and also starts walking towards you. The pressure on you keeps increasing. You suddenly spread your arms and loudly shout, “Go away!”. The dog stops right away, looks puzzled, and just walks back.
A simple story to show you that if you do nothing, the dog, a person, or a thing will continue to threaten you, BUT, if you stand against it, then that dog, that person or that thing will very likely stop. If, on top of that, several of you adopt the same behavior, then it’s game over for whoever tries to push this order on you.
Unfair and irrational rules
If a rule appears unfair or goes against what you can support with evidence, simply do not comply. The more you comply with unfair rules, the more unfair rules you will get. The critical point is to remove these rules. They should not be there in the first place. Do not let anyone fool you with actions such as suspension of the rule or “we will make an exception.” Get rid of these rules.
If you stop complying, one of two things will happen:
Someone will force you back into compliance. If this happens, we would advise you to leverage the law in the first place by clearly stating the law(s) being broken. Seek a constructive dialogue, and do not use aggressive words or facial expressions. If you are confronted with aggressivity or threat, ask to talk to someone in charge.
No one tells you anything. Great! You are role-modeling courage, and courage is contagious. Please continue to do so, but do not do it provocatively.
A real-life example of non-compliance
Hereunder is a real-life example of saying “No” by a guy like you and I. Please read the paragraph first.
What is this guy doing?
He gathers a few People. It is more challenging if you are pushing back alone than if a few People are pushing back. Why? If you are more numerous, you appear to have more power.
Imagine a teacher in a class of 30 students. The teacher says: “Surprise quiz, guys.” One student replies, “No miss, i didn’t study”. What do you think will happen? Very likely, the little guy won’t dodge the quiz. Now, imagine the same situation, but 13 students reply: “No way,” “I didn’t study,” “Oh no!!”, “Tomorrow!”. How do you think the teacher will react in front of this opposition? Likely to bend. Likely to reschedule the quiz.
Can you quickly gather a few folks with you?
He thinks in terms of leverage. Leverage is what you have that will help you to negotiate. This guy identified his skills. His willingness to do the job is part of his leverage. When you are in the same situation, ask yourself what is my leverage? Is it that you know something? Can you refer to an official statement of the law? Do you know they cannot legally push this on you?
What to reply when you are confronted with the most common orders?
The idea here is to provide you with the simplest and most relevant statements you can use when confronted with an order. Your words must be extremely simple to maximize the probability of being understood by the other person. Your talk has to be relevant. You are not here to lie, so what you say has to be based on evidence. It means you could support your words if you were taken to court.
“Sir, you have to wear a mask.”
Why do i? It is proven that masks are not effective at protecting against viruses. Not only are they not effective, but they are causing harm. When you breathe through a mask, you breathe in the tiny particles inside the mask's fabric, such as synthetic microfibers and compounds that can cause cancer. Because the mask prevents you from breathing normally, the level of CO2 that you breathe in is higher than usual. This causes you harm in the form of headaches and neuron damage. Do you want me to continue and explain to you the damage that masks also do to kids?
Supportive studies:
More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms -> https://brownstone.org/articles/studies-and-articles-on-mask-ineffectiveness-and-harms/
Possible toxicity of chronic carbon dioxide exposure associated with face mask use, particularly in pregnant women, children, and adolescents – A scoping review -> https://www.cell.com/heliyon/fulltext/S2405-8440(23)01324-5
“Your kid needs to wear a mask at school.”
Masks are ineffective at protecting against viruses; on top of that, the mask prevents my kid from breathing normally. As they cannot breathe normally for a very long period, this impacts their body. Neurons are damaged, meaning some of their brain functions are damaged. Did you know about this? Do you understand what this means? It means that by putting a mask on my kid, you are very likely damaging their body. This is a trespass on my kid, who is my property.
“You need to get vaccinated.”
Governments told us that Covid-19 vaccines were safe and effective. That they would prevent transmission. Well, it is now proven that they do not prevent transmission. That they are not effective and, worse, that based on reported side effects, they could be unsafe. I am not going to get vaccinated, and if you continue to push this on me, i will take you personally to court.
“You need to stay home.”
“You can’t sell your house because its CO2 emission rating is not good.”
“You need to declare your taxes.”
“You need to follow what most People do.”
Why? It is proven that the masses can be under cognitive biases. It’s not because most People do something that is the right thing to do. Thinking in this manner is a bias, and that can be dangerous.
Please help us!
This paragraph, “What to reply when you are confronted with the most common orders?” is being built, and we would appreciate your help. Can you contribute by sending us one example of an order and how to respond simply and clearly? Please do so if you prefer to improve one of the above replies. You would help thousands of folks who access the content.
Why did you comply in the first place?
If you complied with these rules but now feel that you should no longer comply with them, then it helps to understand why you complied with them. You very likely didn't comply with it by yourself. Someone & something pushed you to comply. The fear broadcasted by the media, the fear of being blamed by your friends and colleagues, and the fear of being left on the side of a group if you do not do the same thing as what the group is doing. Identify why you complied because understanding the reason will help you to change your behavior. You will often realize that your reason for complying was not correct. You accepted something that you should not have tolerated in the first place, so it is okay to change your position and start not complying.
For example, you used to wear a medical mask because you thought it protected you from diseases. You now know that basic medical masks are not protecting you from diseases. On top of that, you now know that basic medical masks contain compounds that are hazardous to your health and that these masks collect large particles.
Protect kids
Kids are our future. We may not be here anymore in 10, 20, 30, or 40+ years from now, but kids should still be here. It is fundamental to protect them because they often cannot yet stand against orders given by adults.
Suppose you see a kid under the scope of an order (wearing a mask, for instance) or threatened by an order you need to stand up. It would be best if you said something. If you remain silent, this scam will continue, and other kids will experience the same coercion.
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