School of life
There is so much bullshit out there that we feel we have to jump in with what we know. It is unacceptable that a part of the population becomes increasingly lazy and misled by People who do not push what is true but push, through multiple avenues, what they want you to know. To put it simply, knowledge is being corrupted. It is being twisted. It is being altered to serve specific interests.
Two examples. The first one is Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia. Wikipedia pages are being modified and written to serve the narrative that a few want you to know. The second example is words. Have you noticed that politicians are using words, but they modify the meaning of these words? For instance, “women”. Compare the definition of “woman” 10 years ago and now. This definition has likely fundamentally changed.
In a way, it’s good that knowledge is being corrupted. That motivates the People who value knowledge to bring back what is true and useful to us. And to get rid of all this nonsense being pushed on us.
Whether you are 5 or 97 years old, have dropped out of school, or have multiple diplomas, this section is for you. We try to show you a framework to help you throughout your life. We refuse to teach you bullshit. Your time is way too valuable for it to be wasted. You may have already wasted too many years of your life in schools or enterprises learning things that do not benefit or serve you.
Buckle your seatbelt. We are about to take off.
What is learning?
The question may seem weird to you. Why ask what is learning? Isn’t it obvious? Learning is learning. It’s watching how something is done, understanding it, and being able to redo it. It’s reading something and remembering it. It’s trying something and understanding what’s working and what’s not working. Defining learning is not easy at all. I would see it as a toolbox that helps you to go through life. You cannot carry all the tools in that toolbox, so there is no point in learning everything. Your tool will also need to change based on your context. It means that you will have to learn new things during your life and let go of things you learned before but no longer need.
What do you want to learn?
Did anyone ever ask you this question? If someone asked you, were you given enough information to understand what you can learn in life and why?
If i recall, my parents asked me, and i had no idea what the hell i would want to do in life. Be an architect, an artist, or a boss… I wished someone had given me a good overview and suggested a strategy. Back 30 years ago, I planned to keep options open so that if i didn’t know what i wanted to do, i would instead not lock myself in a given field because it would likely be hard to switch fields.
I suspect giving yourself a good overview of what you can do in life is essential. Don’t think in terms of hats like a fireman, a doctor, or a police officer. This is how the People controlling the system want you to believe because the faster you integrate yourself with their system, the better for them (you will serve them and won’t question the system). You may want to think about how you want to contribute to life.
Building blocks
Understanding the building blocks of a field enables you to master that field. What are building blocks?
Code of life
Lines of code power software. Do you think it’s the same for life? How much of a biological software life is?
Nature’s patterns
Understanding nature’s patterns is vital to creating in harmony with the context. Everything is here to be observed and understood.
Thinking framework
Can you access tools that will help you to structure your thinking?
Focus matters
Your ability to focus supports your ability to think. Here is how you can grow it.
How do we take action?
A universal step-by-step course to help you to take action.
You are the Universe and the Universe is you.
Problem solving
Unlock the power of problem-solving with these useful tools.