The monopoly game
Step back a bit. Actually, a lot. And look at your life. Does this make sense to you to spend 15 to 20 years at school, then 20, 30, 40, 50 years working, and then retire and die? Was that your plan? I am asking… did you make this plan? No, you didn’t. Someone else defined this plan for you and you believed it and followed it. Maybe you doubted it a bit but you still followed it.
Did this come to your mind that you could have lived your life in a totally different manner?
To be more specific, in a way that you constantly develop yourself, thrive, and do not need to struggle through life?
A life that is radically different and focused on your well-being is totally doable. The thing is, the folks who set up the monopoly game have zero interest in giving you access to this type of life because it does not progress their interests anymore.
The key point of your education that starts very early in your life is to mold you into a system that feeds a “few”. A “few” at the scale of the global population. I call this system the “Monopoly game”. When you were a kid you may have played this board game called “Monopoly” (picture above). This game has actually never ended and you know what? You are still playing it today. Do you think that the banknotes and coins you own have any value? Do you think that it is part of life to do a mortgage to get your own home? Do you think that you need to put your cash in a bank? Do you think that artificial lines between countries, called borders, have any meaning?
The key point of the Monopoly game is to feed the folks who define and run the game. The folks who have set up this game that you are playing on a daily basis yet you do not realize it. What you do is so fundamentally engrained in your brain through the beliefs you get from school and your parents that it is extremely difficult, maybe even impossible, for you to realize that this is a monopoly game and that it is rigged. No matter what you do on this board you lose. You bleed value.
The folks who created this game are very smart folks. They stepped back and looked at how they can capture the value you create on a daily basis to pursue their personal interest. Basically, they ask you to pick a uniform (a policeman, a secretary, a driver, an accountant, a doctor, an executive, a CEO, …) and from there you are going to create value for them every day of your life for decades. Like leeches sucking your blood, they will suck back what compensated your value creation (your salary) through interest payments, through taxes, through retirement contributions. In the end, you are left with very little for what you have done during your life. It’s a shame and to me, this is not acceptable.
The whole system is purely a scam but again it takes some massive stepping-back work to realize it.
Instead of working in a job that is mostly irrelevant to society and for yourself, you could contribute to society being a better place where folks’ well-being is the focus. Instead of sitting or standing 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10+ hours a day and damaging your body, you could do something meaningful that makes you happy.
Many of you are so stuck inside this monopoly game that they do not conceive how they could detach themselves from it. It’s actually doable and this is because i have seen and continue to see folks doing it that i know it is possible. The folks who understand the scam and the folks who have had enough of this rigged system are driving a new system that makes it easy for you to detach yourself from this old system (the monopoly game).
It is very likely that in 20 years we will look back and realize how insane and empty our life was back in 2020. The change has already started and you rather be part of it. You can even drive it.
The definition of success
How success is defined tells you a lot about society. How would you like success to be defined?
The scam you live in
A try at explaining you the scam from the perspective of the value you create