Be a lighthouse
Using examples (also called "role modeling") is extremely powerful. What is it about? It's about showing others, through examples, the values that you would like to see in society. You often do it naturally, without even realizing it. For instance, holding the door for an old lady may be a trivial action but for the People who see you doing this action, you show them what empathy is. The next time they see an old lady, they are likely to do the same action as you did.
How do you get started on this?
Identify two or three values you care about and you would like to see more of in society. Now, among all the daily activities that you do, could you showcase one of these values through examples? Imagine you value team spirit. During the daily meeting with your team, could you congratulate them for their achievement, as a team, over the past few days?
At a time where Western politicians role model disrespect, distrust, aggressivity, we have to role model the opposite values: respect, trust, friendliness.
Be yourself
If your core is good there is no need to act. Be natural and sincere with People. Most People constantly wear a mask in society and aren’t themselves anymore. They behave in the way the system asks them to behave. It’s understandable because most People have been conditioned by their parents, their school, their family, their colleagues and their work place to behave in a certain manner which is not natural to them. It’s not natural to them, it is not who they really are but as no one provided them with an alternative, they adopted this behavior.
Can you give me some examples of values?
Sure. Fairness, being true, loyal, critical thinking, unity, freedom of choice, courage, openness, reciprocity, selflessness, respect, empathy, clarity, …