A number of mindsets can support you to thrive. They are available for adoption and it’s really up-to-you to understand them and decide that moving forward some of them will guide your thinking and your actions. Here they are (each one of them is detailed in the videos below):
The “can do” mindset
The “take responsibility” mindset
The “you win i win” mindset
The “be courageous” mindset
Some mindsets are however destructive. They do not serve you and do not serve a thriving society yet your behaviors and actions are driven by these mindsets. We are running you through these mindsets. It’s often common that you have never taken the time to pause and think about why is it that you behave in a certain manner. Indeed, mindsets drive behaviors.
Once you have identified the mindset behind one of your behavior, try to investigate a bit: where does this mindset come from? Did you develop it or something / someone conditioned you to develop it?