Your ability and right to access facts matter. We are at a point in time where a relatively small number of People are defining for you what piece of information is correct and incorrect. This is dangerous.
Why? Because these People do not have your best interest at heart. On the contrary, they push their own interest, which negatively impacts you. They will not hesitate to tell you that something is good for you while it’s definitely not.
Hereunder, we provide you with links to locations where you can access unfiltered/uncensored information.
Please be careful about how much time you allocate to reading information. It’s very easy to spend hours and hours reading or watching content without realizing it, and then you wonder where your day has gone. The best is to put a timer. Forty-five minutes, for instance, when your timer goes off, you stop. In the beginning, it’s hard, and you want to spend more time, but after some time, it becomes easy to stay within the XX minutes you set, and you will optimize what you do during this time. This practice helps you to keep time for other things that you have to or want to do that matter to you.
My advice
There is so much information out there. You may feel lost if you have no idea what is going on. At Peoplelyzer, we help you to understand trends. The trend is growing control and death, driven top down, but we see a new trend of choice and life, driven bottom up. It’s a good way to see things because it simplifies a massive problem.
The question i have for you is: where do you want to allocate your time? Do you want to allocate it to understanding the dozens of tricks the folks running the system use on you to get you to obey, or do you want to find out about solutions to increase your choices and promote life? The answer may not be black or white. You may need some of both to move forward. It’s important to understand the context to be able to move forward. If i tell you that the top-down trend is control and death, you may want to understand more. You may be curious to understand how this is done. Once you have understood, my advice is to stop endlessly searching (being stuck in the rabbit hole or falling into paralysis by analysis) and to move toward actions. What is it that you can do to build a better world? Peoplelyzer is here to suggest ideas to you. I know that moving toward a world centered on our well-being and not on money can only happen if we change our behaviors. You will realize that few of the below sources talk about this. Most information sources focus on the problem or talking about what will happen next, not enough on the solutions. It’s normal. Our brain is conditioned to be curious about problems. What i suggest to you is to control the time you allocate to the problem and forecasting. Once you know what’s going on, focus on solutions.
Where can I find uncensored information?
Search into alternatives to mainstream media because mainstream media are fully controlled (and often financially owned) by the People seeking to control humanity. It means that the information they serve you is fabricated or interpreted to serve their interests, not yours.
Online video platforms.
These platforms have way less content than large platforms like YouTube, but the content isn’t censored. Be careful. The “controlled opposition” is also migrating to these platforms.
Rumble (we would appreciate it if you could use Peoplelyzer’s referral URL to create a new account: https://rumble.com/register/Peoplelyzer)
Odysee (LBRY platform)
Some recommended channels (please apply your critical thinking):
Crowdbunker (French)
Search engines
Try not to use Google or use it in a very specific manner. As is YouTube, Google is actively working with governments and mainstream media to push the official narrative. One way to use Google is to search for specific keywords or groups of words. For instance: “decentralized identity” and “Great Reset” to get any result containing these specific words. Using quotes (““) also helps you to find books or articles mentioning a certain phrase or set of words.
We do not recommend using the following search engines as information is censored: Google Search, Bing, Startpage, and Duckduckgo (non-official sources were removed)
We recommend:
Brave search engine (private search and Brave does not filter, downrank, or censor results)
Swisscow (data-safe search engine)
Independent writers & journalists & media
Alt-Market (Brandon Smith)
The Epoch Times (some journalists are more relevant than others)
Decentralized media
Telegram channels
There are hundreds of Telegram channels and groups. Be careful about channels that only send you information and do not let you post any comments. The controlled opposition animates many channels, and the goal is to overload you with information to confuse you; consequently, you will not act. Don’t be fooled by channels with many subscribers (100,000+). Many of them are full of fake accounts or inactive users (how often do you unsubscribe from a channel?). Here are a few recommended channels:
Pepe Escobar: https://t.me/rocknrollgeopolitics (relevance of analysis - historic perspectives)
Child Covid vaccine injuries UK: https://t.me/childcovidvaccineinjuriesuk
There are more and more conferences happening globally that focus on what is true. Although there is not a lot of information about them, they are a great way to access diverse perspectives at a point in time.
Vaccine related news
News regarding the impact of Covid-19 vaccination evolves fast.
Strategic pieces of advice websites
These websites often target wealthy People. People who at least have USD 1 million in net worth. As they mostly sell financial strategies, the People running these strategic pieces of advice websites do have to understand the situation and trends. It is very interesting to listen to these People because they provide you with part of their analysis for free. They save you weeks if not months of work. Do not listen to one single source. Listen to several of them. Identify commonalities.
International Man by Doug Casey
Armstrong Economics by Martin Armstrong, the guy curious about what makes the economy work. His YouTube channel is here: https://www.youtube.com/c/MartinArmstrongAE/videos
Messaging Groups
Telegram (download Telegram and search for groups using their name or using keywords). Many People do not know that there are info feeds inside Telegram. Feel free to let them know.
Specialized search engines (please let us know if any of them are censored)
Base-search is one of the most powerful search engines for academic research texts. More than 100 million scientific articles, 70% of which are free
Find my Book - Books in Germany
Link springer accesses to more than 10 million scientific documents: books, articles,
Qwant - Respect your privacy
Refseek is a search engine for academic resources. More than a billion sources
Repec - Volunteers from 102 countries collected nearly 4 million publications
Science is a U.S. government search engine for more than 2200 scientific sites.
Wolframalpha - Math search
Worldcat searches the content of 20,000 global libraries
The propaganda media
Below is a nonexhaustive list of media or information sources that support the official narrative, and you should be careful about the actions they recommend you take. You need to verify with other sources whether or not the actions they recommend you take are in your interest or not.
Also, factor in that once the harm is done (for instance, once People have been massively injected), they will actually tell you about it. Their goal is to control the narrative from the start to the end. It means that when they talk about vaccine injuries, it’s not because they have changed sides but because it cannot be hidden anymore, so they would rather control the narrative related to the problem than not talk about it. Imagine excess deaths cannot be hidden anymore, and they do not talk about it. Some friends talk to you about excess death, and you start wondering why your mainstream TV channel does not talk about it. At some point, if they continue not to talk about it, you will go look somewhere else, and they do not want that.
Fox News except Tucker’s show (still, be careful)
Google News (pushing you the news from this list)
The New York Times
The Washington Post
Wall Street Journal
Deep research
Starting researching facts (what is true) is almost a full-time activity. It is time-consuming because you need to look behind the curtain of this theater play. The information is not easily available.
Peoplelyzer already sums up a massive amount of information to save you time. We also invite you to check things and challenge any part of our content that you think isn’t correct or relevant enough.
If you are or decide to research something, here are tips to accelerate your research:
Listen carefully to People. Understand how they think and why. This will develop your ability to define who you should listen to and who you should skip.
Use the search engine in a specific manner: specific keywords, set of words, exact sentences… All this will allow you to directly reach what you are looking for instead of having to browse dozens of websites. Knowing how to search is a very important skill.
Use web crawlers to get an overview of a website as well as find the most interesting videos quickly. Web crawlers show you all the links to other websites.
If you have connections working for organizations who have access to large databases of information maybe you could try to leverage them.