What do they want me to think?
Did you ever ask yourself why we always see the same themes in movies?
War, dying of cancer, a lawyer defending his client, end of the world, virus spreading, superheroes, salaryman, secret services chasing a villain, folks struggling to pay debt or bills, …
I don’t think it’s a coincidence that we are regularly shown the same topics. The more we see them, the more we believe them. If we believe them we act accordingly.
I invite you to step back and realize that what you are shown is just one way to see the world. There are many other ways. Be curious about what they do not show you or talk to you about in movies and TV series.
What do they not show you? People recovering from cancer for instance. They almost always die from it in movies because they need you to believe this. Why do they never tell you where the person in the movie gets cancer? What don’t you ask?
There are many things they do not tell you. Be curious about these things.
Here is a video where i tell you more about the recurring themes you see.
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